Saturday, April 25, 2009

Digital "Disappointments?" or Misplaced Fear?

After reading this Henry Jenkins/Danah Boyd discussion, I became interested in aspects of this debate that I had not previously found so fascinating. The following section, in my opinion, contained valuable information:
The media often reference a Crimes Against Children report that states one in five children receive a sexual solicitation online. A careful reading of this report shows that 76% of the unwanted solicitations came from fellow children. This includes unwanted date requests and sexual taunts from fellow teens. Of the adult solicitations, 96% are from people 18-25; wanted and unwanted solicitations are both included. In other words, if an 18 year old asks out a 17 year old and both consent, this would still be seen as a sexual solicitation. Only 10% of the solicitations included a request for a physical encounter; most sexual solicitations are for cybersex. While the report shows that a large percentage of youth are faced with uncomfortable or offensive experiences online, there is no discussion of how many are faced with uncomfortable or offensive experiences at school, in the local shopping mall or through other mediated channels like telephone.
The way the media spins statistics and other information is very disheartening. It promotes stereotypes that remind me often of how rape victims are portrayed. While most people assume that the internet is a dangerous place for children because molesters might be lurking online waiting to brainwash/kidnap/hurt these kids, the reality is that most women and children are more likely to be sexually assaulted by their own fathers/boyfriends/dates/friends/brothers/etc. than by strangers. Likewise, many are under the impression that women are more likely to be raped if they wear flashy/revealing clothing, or flirt/party hard/walk down a dark alley at night, etc. when research has shown that the opposite is true: women are more likely to be raped if they are not paying attention to their surroundings and wear many layers of clothing and appear to be the shy/quiet types. To sum it up using a phrase from the aforementioned link, "Youth are at far greater risk of abuse in their homes and in the homes of their friends than they ever are in digital or physical publics"...
And honestly, where are these kids supposed to go if not online? Their options are so limited, especially depending on what types of parents they are fortunate/unfortunate enough to have. In my experience, it was difficult to have choices or freedom of any kind, because my dad was a huge fan of the "go to your room!" or "you're grounded!" school of thought. If I screwed up or made any mistake, justified or not, I would have to be grounded for a long period of time. And even if I had not made him unhappy, he was a pretty strict guy and did not like the thought of me seeing friends too often on weekends or having after-school hobbies or even dancing. Dancing gave me the greatest natural high, but when I did poorly in my math class sophomore year, he never let me dance again. Looking back on my youth, sometimes I genuinely- honestly- question how I made it out alive. I believe that compared to other teens, I had it pretty good overall, but nonetheless, I basically lived in a prison/institution/restricted environment/whatever you want to call it. No matter what label it was given, it was unhealthy to be monitored 24/7 and controlled all the time by others. I had such limited access to computers "back in the day" that my eventual outlet was journaling. That was one thing my parents or teachers or whatever could not take away: my pen and paper and (sometimes) my privacy. For those kids who are not so big on the reading/writing, there are even fewer options. Personally, I would rather see more teen-friendly spaces to hang out in real life, because I do believe that too much time spent online can create addictions, and unhealthy sedentary lifestyles, etc. Teens are not in danger (or hurting anybody else) by being plugged in, but I think when the virtual world becomes almost the only world in which they live, they are missing out on a lot in life. And this is an axiom for not just teens to follow- Everyone should have spaces where they feel safe and content to be themselves, because to be denied access to those places, or only finding them online, is so unhealthy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Minus the jab he takes at community colleges, this was really funny to watch-

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Listen Up!

Several of the short documentaries and PSA's on Listen Up! were really informative; one dealt with the use of the "n word" and another focused on a young girl's experience living with a polygamous father.
From exploring gender-related issues, to learning about one girl's journey on following the red path regardless of her father's alcoholism, there is an immense amount of information and experience being made available on this website. Voices are being heard here that would typially be ignored or marginalized elsewhere. I love examining how the teenagers use this control over the camera to direct their own ideas/stories/reflections. One piece of work that fascinated me most was a video discussing "manhood" done by teenage African-American boys who had some pretty nice ideas about masculinity. I was expecting them to express the opinions that they did but not as PASSIONATELY as they did; their enthusiasm and dedication to the topics at hand were really admirable. They didnt appear to be ashamed to say things like "Being a man means taking care of your family" or "Being a man means treating women with respect"....It was very well-done and exactly the type of work that more African-American male youth need to have available as a resource or support system.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

this really makes me sick to my stomach.
even the actors/actresses who made the movie truly believe that this one line is CONSENT.
"why are you stopping?" is not consent when the woman is intoxicated from alcohol/drugs and throwing up.

social networking websites; not so black & white

There are so many angles to cover, I'm not sure where to begin. I suppose I will start with the Testing Horace Mann article, because this resonated on many levels with me/my experiences.
Just as students should have freedom from the fear that they will be bullied/harassed by their peers or professors, the teachers/administration should also not have to worry about incessant harassment from their students. How can a teacher do a decent job in the classroom if s/he is always afraid of threats/repercussions/etc.?
My father taught middle school children in the towns of Dover and Sherborn, Massachuetts for over 30 years. This is a very privileged, white, affluent area, and although it was a public school, the parents were much like the ones of the Horace Mann community, in terms of how much power/influence they had over the way the school was run.
My dad had to endure parents getting overly-involved in even the most seemingly trivial matters, and often felt like he had little control over how he ran a classroom. If he handed out a detention or punishment of any kind, no matter how deserved or justified it was, he was at risk of being reprimanded or worse by his boss, as well as harassed by many parents. The majority of students knew that this was their reality to use to their advantage. So many of them knew how to play their cards right, and get away with misconduct/misbehavior of any kind. And this was before the days of Facebook/MySpace.
If students want to use Facebook, fine. There are so many benefits to belonging to social networking websites,...But to use it to verbally assault someone, (teacher or not), while using racial/sexist slurs, is just not acceptable.
This is just ONE recent example of how bullying/harassment can have devastating effects:

This issue reminds me of when my sister was in high school, and there was a similar experience involving a teacher and local politician. When a history teacher discussed gay marriage in a social studies course, he was accused of being "one-sided" about the "debate." Kids were conversing with their parents about the subject, and when the parents discovered that this teacher was "promoting" gay marraige and appearing to be pro-gay rights, they argued that there should be a more balanced viewpoint brought to King Philip Regional High. They did this by asking a local politician, Scott Brown, to speak about the topic in KP's auditorium. This infuriated many students. Scott Brown is a well-known State Senator whom conservatives love, and liberals love to hate. Many students felt angry that their history teacher was being accused of "promoting" an issue that 1) he was not promoting and 2) in their view, should not even be up for debate. Discussing "balanced viewpoints" on gay marriage to these kids seemed like discussing "balanced viewpoints" on the legitimacy of slavery. There's simply no such thing.
So where did students go to feel that they could be heard? Facebook. They created a group that discussed how much they disliked him, and how they were angry they would have to listen to him speak. They attacked his character, his attempts to always push his daughter's "fame" (she, Ayla Brown, had appeared on American Idol recently), and his hypocrisy. Here was a man who was clearly homophobic, yet he had no problem admitting he had posed nude for magazines to make money in his youth. In the minds of these students, his moral compass was completely screwed up.
This apparently infuriated Scott Brown, whose daughter used the website and showed him the online group. He then proceeded to print out copies of comments students had left on the group forum, and went to give his speech at KP. Instead of discussing gay marriage, however, he decided to discuss the facebook group. The details of this story can be found here: In the end, the students were viciously attacked for their opinions and comments online, and were accused of committing the crime of "hate speech".... The way in which the students were attacked was incredibly inappropriate, and in the end, Scott Brown made himself look like a fool. But this raises some good questions about the gray areas of this debate. Where are the lines drawn between what students can say online, and what they cant? I feel that students should practice their freedom of speech on and offline, but when they are name-calling or bullying or hurting people for the sake of being verbally violent or "funny", and not criticizing specifically relevant subject matter, then it is a problem. Politicians, like other public officials, can be analyzed in a negative way by youth on or off the web. But should teachers be as publicly humiliated for the pure entertainment of teenagers on facebook? I'm not sure I agree there, but then again, I don't have all the answers.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


^^ this last one bothered me "How To Say "No" So He Knows You Mean It" --What kind of title is that???

affection... assault.

There is nothing like returning
to a place that remains unchanged
to find the ways in which
you yourself have altered.

- Nelson Mandela (1918 - )

I thought of this quote when remembering my high school years recently. The articles I searched for (representing teens in the media) brought back some startling memories..
I came across one that discussed a recent incident involving a King Philip High student from Wrentham, Mass.
A seventeen year old from the high school I once attended had been charged with raping another 17-yr-old behind Town Hall in his car.
When I read the newspaper article, I cried.

According to the police report, Brian Poirier said "It's not the girl's choice, it's mine," when the girl refused his advances. He made the victim feel terrified, and forced himself on her, and when she went to the cops, he changed his story multiple times before admitting to letting things "get out of hand."

When I was in high school, there were many guys who sexually assaulted their female peers. But none of them were ever caught.
I, and others, lived in fear of being told it was our own fault if we spoke up about what happened. I kept quiet for a long time, because I didn't want to "make a scene" as many people I was close to would have accused me of doing. My friends/acquaintances also did not want to be rejected/insulted/abandoned by their peers for coming forward with the truth. We all had our reasons. We all stayed silent. The fact that this teenage girl had the courage to inform law enforcement fills me with hope, but the fact that sexual assault is still such a problem, even in my hometown (which people love to label as being a perfect white suburbia - it is anything but perfect), definitely breaks my heart.

What truly bothers me is that this will not change any part of the status quo. Rape/sexual assault will continue to be a part of a teenage girl's reality until sex ed becomes a bigger priority in our culture. At our school, the health ed never emphasized respect, or emotional/mental health, or gender equality, or communication, etc.etc.etc. The entire health education curriculum consisted of:
Part 1: This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. and
Part 2: This is a banana. This is a banana wearing a condom.

I am tired of America settling for such low standards when it comes to (what I consider to be) the most important aspect of ANY human being's education: Health/Wellness. If one is not mentally/physically healthy and safe, then any further education is oftentimes useless, irrelevant, or impossible. And it is beyond impossible for teenage girls to feel/be safe, if their male counterparts are sexually assaulting or harassing them.
However, schools are not dealing with the issue of sexual assault/harassment by increasing the amount of (or improving the quality of) their health education. Instead, they are enforcing strict "no-contact rules"... One article I read described these rules well in a headline saying, "...meant to stem violence, has some pushing for change."
I hope it's more than SOME. Putting into effect rules or codes of conduct that require absolutely no touching between classmates, or classmates and faculty, is ridiculous. It only isolates teenagers more, and represses their most basic need as human beings: the need for touch. If someone falls down and is hurt in gym class, is a fellow classmate supposed to just ignore it? If someone has just learned of a family member's death, is a teacher or peer supposed to NOT offer a hug/shoulder to cry on? Where is the humanity or respect in that? Non-violence should mean MORE to people than just the absence of aggression. Non-violence is not just a passive act; it is MORE than simply resisting an urge to injure someone. Non-violence means compassion, and compassion means: consoling, embracing, high-fiving, kissing, affectionate hugging or back-rubbing, hand-holding, and more.
So if schools want to promote non-violence, they need to promote and practice these things, like it or not, politically correct or not.
What they also have to do is teach students (starting at a very young age) that they need to treat their own bodies, and the bodies of others, with complete & utter respect. This translates into forming comprehensive health ed courses for students of all ages, in all grades, at all levels to take. I do not understand why years of geometry and algebra were requirements for me to graduate, but not several years of health ed. If I got an A in Chemistry (which, for me, will continue to be useless information in terms of my daily life and career choice), then I was considered a good student. But getting an A in Health class... well, that was looked at as a joke by my parents, and it was not considered an essential class for me to have taken in order to attend college.
To say the least, it enrages me to know there are schools condemning affection or contact between students or students & faculty. Inappropriate touching should never be allowed, but hugging? High-fiving? Please. Schools are institutions, yes. I think they shouldn't be such formal/controlling/conforming institutions, but they are, and I try to deal with that sometimes. However..Prisons?
No, they really should not be accepted as prisons.. yet, that is exactly what they are evolving into.
So if the powers that be truly consider imprisonment to be a solution for sexual harassment, they should seriously first check out America's prisons. As if sexual assault doesn't happen there.